Dear Sandra:
>The ferrets are eating A/D and baby food, will be on it for a total of 30
>days.  Do I need to wait til the diarrhea is resolving before switching
>to okibble, or just reintroduce kibble (slowly) at the 30 day mark?
All ferrets are individuals - some will probably have normal stools and
will be putting on weight, some may not.  If one of the ferrets is not
gaining weight and continues to pass bad stools - it doesn't hurt to keep
them on the A/D and baby food a little longer - a rush back to kibble may
result in a reversal of progress.  At 30 days, we want to make sure
everyone is doing well, or we may look at some antiinflammatory therapy
for select individuals.
With kindest regards,
Bruce Williams, DVM
[Posted in FML issue 3280]