Hello fellow fuzzie kiss getters-
I am a local to San Diego and just moved back here after 3 years in NC.
There I ran a small shelter and foster house for fuzzies.
When I moved out here over a month ago, i started with 6 fuzzies.  On the
trip i lost 3 due to age (6-7 year olds, and all had inslanomia and
adreanal.) They were just to sick for the trip but i tried anyways.
So I am down to a wonderful clan of three and am looking to adopt some
more.  I do not want to buy a kit in Nevada, due to the fact that there
are SO MANY fuzzies out there that need loving homes.
So if there is anyone out there can give me some advice about extending my
crew, please email me.
Thank You and Merry Furry Christmas-
Chargergirl, Klondike, Cody, Athia, and two VERY fat cats
[Posted in FML issue 3277]