Didn't someone set up a a site where we can list and bid on ferret items?
It seems to me that several people have tried to do this, actually.  Is
there now a site up and running?
We've had auctions on the FML before and they were fun and profitible for
the cause - Ronnie, take a bow!  Ronnie ran 'em!
Now eBay is fine, eBay is fun, eBay once cost me $8500. in a single
purchase, but the number of ferret items on eBay is overwhelming.  To aid
our specific 'causes', like the present New Jersey situation, we could do
an FML member auction of our own.
I think it would be fun and make money to cover vet expenses involved with
the NJ rescue if we could run an open FML auction, where we could see who
was bidding and the amounts.  Nothing like a little friendly competition!
Your thoughts, people?
[Posted in FML issue 3277]