if it helps..:)...i have 17 ferrets..and i just plain old don't worry about
that...[giving one more attention than another]
you see, each ferret has it's own way of wanting to be loved...
some like cuddles...
some like kisses...
some like to be "scritched"...
some like to sleep on you...
some like physical interaction...
some like 'this'...
and some like 'that'...
i love my kids how they want/when they want...oh..and sometimes even when
they "don't" want..LOL...
mine are free they come and go as they please...and as one
passes...or climbs up on me or within reach...i
play with...whatever is called for...then let them go on their way...
the "key" to give each one what it wants...and don't be concerned
about 'sleighting' the other...[as long as you are resonable...and don't
leave one locked up and the other out all the time...LOL]
each has it's own's own wants and needs...just love them
naturally... dedicating "X" amount of minutes for 'this' one...and the
exact same "X" amount of minutes for 'that' one will only make you may WANT more physical time and attenten that the other does...
ok..have i confused you now?
just love them...and don't concern yourself with the "too much here...not=
enough there" will all even out...
Just Love Them...
KITY= .. =KAT... ( a.k.a. ...FuzzieMom ) and the krew of "14 plus 3"
Rascal, Sassy, Wolfie, Monkey(Shine), Meeja, Narmy, PopPye, Noodles,
Sandi-Mandi, Hope-HollyHeart, Edison!, Lucky, Princess Cissy, and
Uh-Oh!!!!!  with Jack, Sassy, and Angel...staying for a while..:)
And holding "Bear" and "Geezer" close in my Heart...
Missing pieces of my heart...Marcel, LittleWhiteGirl, OldGuy, and the
biggest piece of my heart, Charlie!
The Ferrets' Pages...
[Posted in FML issue 3276]