And what could be more important than holiday wishes?
I want to wish everyone on the FML Happy Holidays - Merry Christmas,
Happy Hanukkah, a Cool Rule, of Joyful Winter Solstice, or whatever kind
of holiday you want to celebrate.  All of you, Mommies, Daddies, shelter
people, vets (the name Bruce Williams obviously comes to mind) and this
guy named Bill Gruber, are wonderful people.
To all the furfolk who read the FML - try and be patient with your two-legs
when they put those silly Santa hats or reindeer antlers on you and then
expect you to hold still for pictures.  Humans are like that sometimes.
Remember they love you.  And have lots of fun with whatever Santa brings
you for Christmas!
Fang, you've received another early Christmas gift, and that's Life.  It's
a very precious one, and I hope you can hang on to it for awhile.  Enjoy it
now.  (But the red licorice is kinda neat, too!)
I also want to wish Sandee a Merry Christmas.  Thank you, Sandee, for
wlecoming Al to the Bridge not too long ago.  I forgot to mention that he
may have met someone else there that he knows.  His cagemate Peggy got out
of her Mommy's house in April and, as far as we know, was never found.
Whether Al is alone or with his buddy, make sure there's a skirt around
the Christmas tree for him to play under - though I'm certain it will be
*crowded* with all those ferrets under there!  And say hi and a Merry
Christmas to Skeeter.
This list is full of the most wonderful people I've ever met.
[Posted in FML issue 3275]