>I'm not saying Danielle is wrong, nor am I trying to say she's trying to
>stir things up.  It may have happened just like she said.  I can't say.
>I wasn't there.  It may have been a mistake on Dr. Deeb's part.  Deeply
>regrettable, yes, but she is only human and can make mistakes.  Or maybe
>Danielle is trying to stir the pot and get a little animosity going.  I
>just don't know.  Like I said, I wasn't there.  I just wanted everybody
>to hear this side before you form any opinions about Dr. Deeb.
I also live in Washington and have heard other people speak of horror
stories they experienced with Dr. Deeb.  My understanding is that she also
treats rabbits?  Anway, if you would like to email me, I will gladly share
the stories I have heard from others.  I did meet her because one of my
friend's took their ferrets to her for shots and I did not care for her
bedside manner.  In fact, she made me feel like the ferrets were just
merchandise - not part of the family.  Are we taking "sides" on this?  No.
It is valuable to have people share their vetrinary visits with others.  My
advice to anyone looking for a vet would be to check with the authorities
(vetrinary boards) to see if any complaints have been reported.
It is important for people to research things on their own without
listening to everything they read.  However, there are often valid reasons
for people to feel as they do.  I don't think anyone would "smear" a vet
on the FML.  There is nothing wrong with people sharing their experiences,
that is what this FML is about.  I also see that Daniele posted nice things
about other vets.  That does nto indicate that she is trying to stir up
trouble.  Assuming you live in Washington, do you know Daniele?
[Posted in FML issue 3274]