Wayne & Nancy Wellington wrote:
>We had eggs and christmas light bulbs thrown from behind us, by Judy's
>(the owner) gang from on top of the roof of the store.  Glass from the
>light bulb did explode and hit the kids.
This was video taped, right?
>A pet store employee of Fred & Judy's came out and try to run us down
>with his Saturn!  He almost hit half of us before veering away.  The
>first 5 would have been kids to get hit if he would have hit us.  We all
>jumped back or he would have hit us.
This too was video taped, right?  I mean, in view of the previous problems,
I can't imagine your not having a video camera present for this 'protest'
Both actions are criminal offenses in the state of Nevada.  The first a
misdemeanor, the second, a felony.  Were the police called and a complaint
If not, and no proof, other than 'words', this information is libelous,
and could get you in a lot of trouble.  I would suggest very strongly that
you contact an attorney and proceed with a legal game plan.  If you have
no proof of these actions, you could be in serious trouble.
I am really irked at poorly run pet stores as much as the next animal
lover, but, I am sorry to say, your not stating that the police were called
and no complaints filed leads me to discount anything you have to say.  If
someone had tried to run me down, the police would have been involved 10
seconds later.  (Someone had a cell phone there, I would imagine) Your
post just seems to be for the purpose of getting attention and stirring
our emotions.
If you are on the up and up and your comments are not 'embellished', I
apologize...just give us more facts in the future.
For our ferrets!
MC, The Rude One
(With Snorkle, Tuzigoot, and Bancho.  In spirit, Bubba, Billy-Bob, and
[Posted in FML issue 3271]