Eeeeek, I'm getting paranoid again!  My fuzzies keep changing fur patterns
to keep me on my toes. (-:  Now, I'm getting concerned about what might be
just another such change.  Baby, my youngest at ten months is a sable.  She
was a tiny kit, but quickly blossomed (hee hee) into a two+ pounder.  She
was fuzzy, rolly polly and had the biggest (and cutest bum).  Awhile ago
she developed a slight orangy color around the base of her tail.  I just
thought it was cute and called her cinnamon bum.  Well over the last few
weeks she has slowly turned into a tiny ferret.  She is active, eating,
and happy - but is probably about one and half pounds max.  I can see her
little bum bone.  My first ferret gained and lost weight her first year,
but she never gained or lost this much.  Also Baby's new winter coat isn't
as soft as usual, it's slightly course.  And finally, just today I noticed
the orange color is now tinted around her shoulders and upper body.  I know
none of these sound overly alarming, but between the weight loss, orange
shading, and course fur I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing the
sign of something.  If anyone knows if these are reasons for concern or
if I can relax, please let me know!!  Thank you!  Risa
[Posted in FML issue 3270]