I got to go visit Kim Rushing at Kista and meet Teresa when she was
preggers!  She is a sweet tiny girl (the fert, not kim --- JUST KIDDING)!!!
I am so glad she is so happy.  Thank you for adopting her (the fert, not
I got a funny story 'bout Teresa though!  I know all of you are going "ut
ohhhhhhh" and ducking from what ever may fly out of my mouth during one of
my stories.  OH alright.... "depends alert depends alert" for all those
bladder challenged.
When I visited Kim, she was sheltering a huge, whole male that was found
wandering NJ... his name- "the Big Stink".  Really sweet ferret.  Anyway...
at that time, Kim had 45 ferrets... she had Teresa, a pregnant female, on
the top of all the cages high up.  I found out why.  When she let out the
Big Stink..... he went on a mission power sniffing, "gotta find her gotta
find her,... I think I can I think I can".  He had designated this poor
widdle tiny girl as "his woman"!
This poor guy who at this time was hauling grapes on his person not raisons
if ya know what I mean, located her.  He climbed up I don't know how high
at break neck speed.  He began to "do a little dance", and began to ::poof
poof poof::.  Just then, like the ad on tv with the mom flying through the
air in slo-mo to stop red wine from falling on her new carpet.....Kim did a
superman on me, and grabbed Big Stink off Teresa's cage.  When I asked why
all the fuss...she then told me if she hadn't, Big Stink would have, "done
a little dance, poof-poof-poofed, and "done a little 'pee'"!!!  Yup, when
he realizes he can't get to "his woman" he would try to urinate on her
above her cage!!!!
Please visit:
for information on ferret deafness:
[Posted in FML issue 3237]