No offence, but why shouldn't Sandees human need to be asked to post on
peoples deceased ferrets?  I mean, I think it's great that she's there for
those who enjoy it and get comfort out of it, but they should have to ask
for hard can it to be to say, "Sandee, please help my baby over
the bridge."
I for one, wouldn't want it done for me.  I feel it is taking light of my
passed away ferret and it would make me feel like it was a joke or
something.  I don't find it comforting at all.
For those it helps, I can't say enough how nice it is for Sandee to be
there, but for those who don't like it-for whatever reason-shouldn't have
to ask for her not to do makes them feel bad to do so.
I have to post anonymous because just for sharing my opinion-my mailbox
would be full from people who don't like it.  It's just a opinion and
deep down, I think Sandee and her human would apprieciate knowing peoples
feelings instead of assuming everyones is the same.
[Posted in FML issue 3236]