Hello All my fellow Weasel Lovers, lol!
To everyone who is coping with a sick fuzz or who have lost there beloved
fuzz, my thoughts and support are with you all.
Just wanted to add my 2 cents on a couple of topics and pose a few
Had my first scary experience with the dreaded vaccine, well not personal
but enough to open my eyes to it.  The fert before us had a reaction, a
terrible one I might add, which took the Dr's and assistants at least 2
hours before, she was stable enough.  Now don't take me as a " Must see it
to believe It" type of girl but I am now much more aware of it.  Are there
any precautions we can take before.  My youngest Lou is up for his in
January, and I would like to know of any recommendations or steps taken
before hand, if any.  I have heard of even some vets not even doing the
vaccine.  I am not prepared to go to that extent for fear of the other
aspects surrounding such decisions-- my boys do go out quite a bit and we
travel often.  I know, I know, I should have been listening before, sorry!
Tips, please!  Our vet is great, and very aware and observant of them for
30 mins.  after vaccine is given but I thought I would pose this Q, anyhoo!
On to a happier topic.....Ferret Math, not the whole trip to the Dr. was a
completely horrifying.  The boys got to meet their first ferret since they
were kits.  I have been contemplating on adding to the family for A.  I
would love another kit!  ;-) B.  I know in the long run, it will be the
best for us--2 not being the best # and C.  We need a little girl to even
up the ratio, ha ha!  but seriously.....I have been seriously considering
adding to our family but to be honest I was quite worried about the
expectance factor from the 2 boys.  Well I must say my mind was put to
ease, when the boys met the little girl fert Puppie, they were so cute,
kissing her ears, they were in complete awe of her.  So now one issue has
been settled , the next one arose...Where do I get this 3rd member ?  I
have contemplated on a pet store kit but then I thought maybe I could get
a kit from a well known breeder....but then I thought, let me put a post
up and maybe I can do some good and give a orphan a home......I live in
Ottawa, Canada and would like to add a little girl to my wonderful weasel
family, Binks is 14mths and Louis 10 mths.  I would like to adopt a girl
not older than 1.5, this is only because I would like to keep them pretty
close in age and I feel the younger the more incline they are to learn and
are not so set in there ways.  I have had both my boys since they were very
tiny and feel, that all the time and effort/patience while still young,
that I have given really pays off with their personality and behavior.
Enough of my rambling, anyone who knows of anyone a breeder or shelter or
any other female fert needing a home in the Ottawa - Montreal area, please
let me know!  or keep me in mind for any future situations!
Lastly, this is more of a comment, does any of you have a " Runner"?, well
I think I do....we bought the balls with the bells in them, we had some
before but they never seemed to be too interested in them, well that has
changed....I believe the new type are the Marshall balls.  Binks is just
in love with them, I throw the ball down the hall or where ever is can go,
and he will run as fast as he can, stop, nudge it back a bit and wait for
me to throw it, he is so cute, ......Dogs?...... What?  I have a FERRET !
Other than that.... that, is all I have to say this dreary Monday !  How's
the weather?  any snow yet?
Give all your wonderful Weasels a big kiss for me!
Best Regards, Stacey and Her Precious Packages of Love ( what I like to
call them)
Stacey E. Yea
[Posted in FML issue 3236]