Good Morning ALL,
Hope all is well with the Fuzzie community!!!!  I want to send out a
special prayer to all who have lost a Fuzzie or animal recently, and to
all the sick and homeless fuzzies and animals in the world.  May the
GOOD LORD watch over you all and keep his healing hand on you!!!! :-)
Well, Tazy is doing GREAT for a fuzzie that we thought wouldn't even pull
through the surgery!!!!  :-) My Tazy is a stubborn boy and just refuses
to give up, I think he takes after me :-)
What a little RASCAL he is, he just won't leave his stitches be, when he
sets his mind to something he won't let it be!!!!  3 times he has pulled
his stitches out, my vet says he has NEVER had this problem with any of
the ferrets he has done surgery on, leave it to my Tazy huh?
I just want to also comment that my vet bill was soooo very reasonable
that it totally freaked me out, I was expecting anywhere from $500.00 to
$1000,00!!!  We hadn't talked about price as I told the vet that it didn't
matter as long as he made my Boy well, personally I CANNOT and WILL NOT
put a price before my Fuzzies, I don't care if I have to beg, borrow, or
steal for my babies, or work 3 jobs to make them well, MY BABIES COME
FIRST!!!!!!!  My whole vet bill came to $287.00 dollars and that includes
everything!!!! :-)
Tazy is still in hospital because they have to watch him long enough to
make sure he doesn't pull out the stitches again.  Dr Blair asked me to
contact ALL my Fuzzie friends and maybe they will come up with a solution
to this problem, and THANKS to Mike Janke he may have done just that!!!
He suggested using surgical adhesive which his vets have been using for a
couple of years already, hopefully it's not to late to try that on my Tazy
so keep your fingers crossed!!!! :-)  Oh, bye the way he isn't charging me
for the hospital stay, WHAT A GUY!!!!!!! :-)
On the medical aspect of Tazy, Dr Blair is VERY optimistic that he got
the whole tumor, but also says for me not to get overly confident!!!!
Tazy is back to his normal self pretty much, he is just about bouncing off
the cage walls as he wants out for his play time, can't keep a GOOD FUZZIE
down, huh?  They are feeding him his duck soup I brought them along with
Nutri-Cal and he is now back to pooping normal, and drinking plenty of
water :-) His energy has soared sky high compared to before the surgery
where he was slowly getting more lethargic every day!!!!  I am still
praying (I am not a religious person, but praying is good for the heart
and soul) everyday that Dr Blair got the whole tumor!!!!
I believe I have bent your ears long enough I just want to say THANK YOU
ALL for your thoughts and prayers at a time when I soooo desperately needed
them the most, YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!
P.S. Sorry for the long post!!!!!!
Dawn, and the Terrible Two's Gang, Tazy, Trouble, Rosy, and the 4 lb
fuzz, Baby Joey
[Posted in FML issue 3235]