I'm just going to make this a quick note and not even beg for donations
this time.  A ferret owner in Japan posted to White Russian's ADV Message
Board that his ferret died of what his vet believes is Aleutian Disease.
His vet said that she heard of several other cases in Tokyo.  A necropsy is
being performed to find out for sure.  I spoke with a vet I know yesterday
and mentioned this and she said that a recent issue of, I believe, JAVA,
verified that Aleutian Disease has definitely been found in Japan.
Naturally, I found this very distressing.
I have heard, but have no proof, that some private breeders in the US have
shipped ferrets to Japan.  Whether that's true or not, I just want to again
urge all breeders to test for Aleutian Disease BEFORE breeding.  Even if
you have no reason whatsoever to suspect ADV in your ferretry...for the
protection of yourself and ferrets the world over, please, please test.
Please stop in and visit White Russian's ADV Web Page and contribute on
the message board.  Lurkers are welcome, too.  Two shelter operators have
written about they have successfully kept both ADV positive and ADV
negative ferrets, with no new ADV positives.  I know this is an issue all
shelter operators are concerned about.
If you've been to his page before, a lot of changes have been made...things
added, etc.  If nothing else, bookmark it for future reference...just in
case.  http://www.geocities.com/russiansmom/index.html
If you do visit and have not signed the guest book, please do so.  My
former boss has not yet made his contribution to ADV research of $.50 for
each signature in the guest book.
Please give to Aleutian Disease research...the ferret you save may be your
[Posted in FML issue 3224]