My 4 year old ferret, ZeppLynn, stopped eating about 2 mo ago.  From a
previous sick ferret bill, I had no online connection.  This is my first
email.  I corresponded with the vet for 4 weeks before we started running
test, we both thought it was stress.  With the blood work back we found
that Zepp's liver is shutting down.  The vet said there was nothing I could
do to help him but keep him comfortable for what life he has left.  He also
said the only way to found out why he has liver failure is to do a biopsy.
I didn't want to put Zepp through any unnecessary surgery, because my last
ferret, had cancer, started hemorrhaging during his exploratory surgery.
He never made it home.  That was Aug.  18th.  It's been a bumpy road with
Zepp since.
Zepp did start eating, but not his regular IAMs kitten.  He only will take
cooked chicken, and is prescription diet L/D.  This has been for about 3
weeks now.  I also give him albon twice a day.  His energy level is back
up, and he has a little more meat on his bones.  Now, his hair is falling
out and the only thing I can think of is Adrenal tumors.
I took him back to the vet on Wed.  We did a skin scrape, took some hair,
and more blood.  I am still waiting for the blood work.  The vet and I are
hoping his liver is working better.  Has anyone had this problem?  What is
my next step?  Please, I need you guys more than ever now.  Thank all of
you so much!
Love, Brandy and ZeppLynn
RIP Tusk, we love you and miss you very much.
[Posted in FML issue 3234]