Yesterday I took in a little ferret to foster and nurse back to health.
She was very, very sick.  Her last owner basically starved her to death
before turning her over to the pet store.  She was just to far gone.  She
had no name by her previous owners, but we called her Maxie.
I picked her up from the local pet shop to try and get her back to normal.
She doesn't really know anyone up there that I know of, and I have never
had a ferret go on to rainbow bridge.  Please help her find someone who
will help her out and show her the ropes.  She is a cute little Sable that
even when she was so sick gave me kisses the first time I picked her up.
I knew her less than 24 hours but she will always be in my memory and I
will forever consider her mine.  Tell her she wasn't an unwanted, unloved
ferret.  My boys, Cody and Sam, are both in tears as well as myself.  I
will look for her when I reach Rainbow Bridge and take my beloved little
one with me when I cross over.  Tell her to wait for me that I will one
day come.
[Posted in FML issue 3232]