To Gordon who is promoting himself as the "diction" manager for the FML:
I hope this is a joke.  Your message is so absolutely ridiculous that it
has to be a joke.  Do not speak for all of us in your posts.  The most
enjoyable posts for me on the FML are those from Sandee.  I often scan the
whole list and read only the messages from Sandee.  Simply put, you need to
get a life.  If your message is any indication of the way you do approach
life I can only feel sorry for any ferrets that you own.  They are truly
happy little monsters and could never be so serious as you project
Dis message waz sent wen I waz mad.  If you own any of da fuzzbutts I think
dat they must look at you and just shake their liddle heads as they are
laughing to demselves.  And if you showed them your email, I bet dat they
saw all of da grammatical errors dat I saw too.  If ya want to manage da
diction, ya bedder make sure dat ya got yurs right too.
[Posted in FML issue 3231]