It's what they say that is important.
Maxim - Scooby touched me then he chased me and when I stopped he touched
me again and I ran but he kept coming and then he touched me again and I
went under the dresser and he followed me and I ran out and he kept
coming and I ran down the hallway and..... (isn't that right Sonya?).
Scooby - I gotta get Maxim, I gotta get Maxim, I gotta get Maxim (talk
about focused!).
Pumkin (with a twinkle in his eyes) - rub my belly, rub my belly,
pleeeeaaaseee rub my belly.
Dezzie - darn ferrets darn ferrets darn ferrets (well she might night
actually say darn....)
Tiny - Oh oh oh, you're home! (as she rolls over and over and over so
many times it makes ME dizzy)
Milo - Nancy give me more recipe, give me more recipe (as he intently
stares up at her trying to hypnotize her)
You should hear them when I dance around the living room to the golden
oldies (and see the looks I get too). :-)
Jean - I keep hoping I'll remember where I buried that money tree in my
backyard..... I love and care about others, especially ferrets.... I
couldn't live with the nightmares of what would happen to the ferrets if
I wasn't here for them..... I want to make this world a better place....
And - I have extremely high credit limits on my credit cards.  I don't
look at the totals, only that I can make the monthly payments.  I don't
plan on ever being out of debt.
You and many others have helped so many ferrets.  You know your limitations
and that is so very important.
My wish for christmas - a home for all the homeless ferrets or if that
isn't possible, enough volunteers to help at every ferret shelter so that
the ferrets are well taken care of and well loved just as if they did have
a home of their own and enough funds for all the shelters to get out of the
red and not have to live paycheck to paycheck or rob Peter to pay Paul (no
disrespect meant in this saying).  O.k.  so that was TWO wishes.
Warm hugs to all. tle (my radiator is broke on the truck so WARM hugs
sound really good right)
Troy Lynn Eckart
Ferret Family Services
Please sign up to support our charity
[Posted in FML issue 3231]