Hi all
I appreciatee all da letters I got in my mailbox and I wil try to make sure
all da messages are passed to da right little ones I promise but it is too
many to lsit here.  I know they are doing well here cause I check on them
regularly to make sure no one needs anything.  Again I appreciate your
A little girl named Willow came in today.  I gave her da tour of da place
and showed her all da sights and attractions.  She said her tummy hadn't
felt real good for a while and she waz really interested in getting a bite
to eat.  She headed off to da Gravy Gourmet and had a rather large snack.
She then headed for da Fruit Bar and had dessert.  I later saw her over
watching da Crazy Kar races and cheering along with da rest of them for da
driver of her choice.  I told her she could pick out a car and join right
in but she said maybe later as it looked kinda dangerous.  I told her not
to worry as noone stays hurt here.  She said to tell her mommy an daddy
dat she feels really good and to send lots of luv and kisses her way.
A little albino came in.  She said she did not have a name so I named her
Ruby for her eyes.  She seemed to like dat real well and it suited her
fine.  I also had a special reuest to have Katie here when she got here so
I introduced them and they seemed to get along good.  They went away with
Katie explaining about her mommy and since she didn't have one they would
share hers.  They headed off to da Fruit Bar to get a snack.  After da
snack they wondered around exploring and seeing all da attractiosn here.
I seen them over at da Otter Slide sliding down and splashing in da water
with a bunch of other little ones dat Katie knew.  They would slide down
with a splash and run back to slide again.  There waz an awful lot of
splashing going on though.  Ruby said dat she would be proud to wait here
for Katie's mommy and Katie said she will watch out for her til you get
Well I am off to give out some messages and see dat they get to da right
ferret.  Gotto go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3231]