I've been a subscriber of this list for a couple of years now and am mostly
a lurker.  However, Gordon's comments on the grammatical structure of
Sandee's email prompted a response.
Gordon, have you actually _read_ through these emails?  Do you understand
the nature of them, and who "Sandee" is?  If so, I do not think you'd be so
quick to judge the situation.  The posts from Sandee are meant to be a way
of helping others accept and deal with the loss of their ferrets.  "Sandee"
is meant to be a fert who has already crossed over the rainbow bridge and
is there, waiting, to greet those fuzzies who make the passage.  If you
were to read these emails _in context_ then I don't think you would find
them offensive.
Is it really necessary to use time to criticize the writing skills of a
"fert" who is sending email?!  I hold a PhD and teach at a university.
Never once did the grammar or spelling of Sandee's email bother me.  (I
save _my_ criticisms of such matters for the proper place; the classroom.)
In fact, I've found Sandee's emails to be touching, heartwarming, and a
very special part of this list.  Someday--when it happens--I hope Sandee
will be there to greet my fuzzies when they pass.
Please, lighten up, and spend more energy trying to find the GOOD in
things, not the bad.
[Posted in FML issue 3230]