Hello All-
I am wondering, since this will be our first Christmas with ferrets, if
any of you have suggestions for do's and don't's of Christmas decorating.
At this point I am only imagining the worst case senario.  Christmas balls
everywhere, lights knocked off the tree, presents torn up.  (A very sad 10
year old looking at it all....)
What have some of you done in the past to keep the Christmas atmosphere,
but the fuzzies out?  I am in the process of trying to find a table to put
a Christmas tree on after Thanksgiving, but are trees poisonous to the
furry guys or do they unwrap presents and tear things up?
I have 2 little ones.  One came to us malnutritioned and he is a follower.
The second one came from a shelter and was given up because they said she
was an escape artist.  (She is firecracker driven, but doesn't escape
here!)  What one does, the other follows with.  SO - I have to ferret proof
for the worst one!  :)
Any ideas would be greatfully read by me and I am sure there are other new
ferret owners that would appreciate it too!
[Posted in FML issue 3230]