>From:    Percy Pwood Georgia Wood <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: My book arrived!!!
>It is WONDERFUL!  What a great book.  It is just so exciting to look at,
>and Kim, my husband is a big fan of Rich Tennant and wants to know if you
>know him!  I can hardly wait to read it all.  Oh, and I love the Warning,
>Remember, and Tip icons.
Georgia, I'm glad you're enjoying the book!  I don't personally know Rich
Tennant and hadn't even heard of him until I started browsing through the
finished product.  I still haven't read the book in its finished form yet.
I hear it's pretty good ;-) I did e-mail Rich letting him know how pleased
I was with his cartoons.  I think they're hysterical!  I thought for sure
he MUST be a ferret owner with THAT sense of humor.  I didn't get a reply
from him, as he was "out of town", but I did hear from his assistant who
said he appreciated the e-mail.  And she also added that he researches all
of his subjects before doing the cartoon work.  Naturally, I offered to
adopt a few out to him, but I didn't hear back.  LOL.
Anyway, thanks for the e-mail.  Another reason to smile today............
I'm very happy you like the book!  Take care!
Kim Schilling
[Posted in FML issue 3229]