Hi FMLers,
I had posted last week about a possible adrenal ferret.  We are still
trying to confirm diagnosis.
Q: Has anyone ever used a combo of Cat's Claw and Saw Palm Meadow (sp?) to
reduce enlarged prostrate?  Are these herbs SAFE for ferrets?  What dosage
would one give to a 4lb.  ferret?
I read these herbs have done wonders for canines and rodents.  I was just
CURIOUS if they might help ferrets.  I would never give anything to my
ferret that might harm him, but I know some herbs can help.
My vet does not believe in herbal remedies, so he gave a thumbs down.  I'm
willing to try anything that does not harm my boy.  I personally take
herbs.  Some work, some don't.
Thanks again,
[Posted in FML issue 3229]