Dear Lisa:
>I am in need of your help again.  My Little Chi Chi was not acting
>herself.  She had small and loose stools and was heaving (vomitting motion
>with nothing coming out).  Went to my ferret knowlodgable vet and had xray
>taken.  Showed blockage to be 3/4 through intestines.  He sent me home
>with laxatone and I am to call Monday morning to let him know how Chi is
>doing.  I have been giving laxatone, duck soup and pedialyte since Friday
Generally, if a foeign body is diagnosable on radiographs - surgery is the
most likely and best treatment option.  I think if you have not seen the
object passed (sometimes they do, but rarely), you shold call your vet and
schedule abdominal surgery today.  "Never let the sun go down on a foeign
body in a ferret." Every day you wait without going in and removing is one
more day for your ferret to become a worse surgical candidate.
Don't worry about how much Laxatone to give - vomiting, positive on
radiographs, won't eat, small stools - let's schedule the surgery instead.
>Have checked feces each and every time but have only found partially
>digested flies.
I'm assuming that this is a typo, but I'm not sure what it was supposed to
be.  Gosh I'm hoping this is a typo!
With kindest regards,
Bruce Williams, dVM
[Posted in FML issue 3229]