Good Morning to all,
First a SPECIAL PRAYER for all those that have lost a fuzzie recently, my
heart goes out to you all!!!  And to those homeless and sick fuzzies and
animals in the world!!!!
I myself may be in need of that SPECIAL PRAYER!!!!  I have been a little
worried about my fuzzie Tazy (my Heart and first baby)  Yesterday I was
holding him and feeling on his tummy and to my HORROR I found a large hard
lump just below his ribcage!!!!  I know he hasn't been himself lately more
tired then usual, but still playful, eating and drinking just fine!!!  But
just not his usual self!!!!  he had lost alot of weight during his shedding
period but gained it all back and then some!!!!!  He now weighs close to
4 pounds and has a gorgeous winter coat!!!!  He's not acting sick at all,
just more tired then usual!!!!  He was only 3 years old last month so he is
not yet a senior!!!!  The lump I'm talking about is not a surface lump but
is inside and is fairly big and hard!!!!  It is about one to one and a half
inches below his ribcage on his belly side!!!!  I AM REALLY WORRIED about
him SO PLEASE PLEASE keep him in your thoughts and PRAYERS!!!!!!
He will be going to his vet this morning as the vet hasn't felt this lump
yet and will probably do some testing on him!!!!  I am VERY DISTRAUGHT and
SCARED right now as he is my first fuzzie and my heart, of course I love
all of mine the same, but we have a SPECIAL bond!!!!  He is my lap
I will let everyone know the outcome ASAP.  So PLEASE keep my Tazy in your
thoughts and PRAYERS!!!!!!
Dawn, and the Terrible Two's Gang, Tazy, Trouble, Rosy, and the 4 lb fuzz,
Baby Joey
[Posted in FML issue 3229]