I am a firm believer in accepting the responsibility you take on when you
bring home a new pet.  Get a travel cage and take the ferret with you when
you visit your mom, or have a friend you trust watch her.  Ferret-proof
more rooms than just the bathroom.  Get a harness and take her for walks
I have a fairly big dog that gets rambunctious with the ferrets.  I use a
baby gate to keep her out of the room the ferrets are playing in (although
they are allowed to play together sometimes).
A friend of mine has brought home and then given away: one ferret, two cats
and two dogs, all within two years.  She had the nerve to ask me if I would
give her one of my ferrets the other day!  I told her no, that she would
just give him away!  I really hate to see that happen to animals.  Do what
you can to keep her.  If it ends up that you and the ferret are unhappy
then give her away and chalk it up as a learning experience, and think
twice before bringing home that next baby in the window.
Good luck,
Newton, Dobie, Fig, Mojo and Maggie
(ps, as ferrets get older they become less of a handful, she won't always
be bouncing off walls)
pss, sorry if this sounds harsh, I'm still fuming over that friend of mine
(I just heard that she gave her puppy away for a poor reason)! :(
[Posted in FML issue 3229]