Loving dooks to those who are sick or unhappy or unloved - may love and
kindness amd health find you soon.  More dooks and raisins to those happy
and loved fuzzbutts!  We won't forget you because you're well!
I'm writing this post in regards to Jerry, my baby boy and the love of my
life.  The exploratory adrenal surgery, about 3 wks ago, revealed one small
tumor in the left gland, which was removed, and one "very large" tumor in
the right gland, actually ATTACHED to the vena cava.  Jerry was sewn up and
off we went to see a specialist in Roanoke.  Yesterday was the big surgery
- the one to remove the larger tumor.  I was soooo worried.  And I felt bad
too - Jerry had just been getting back to his troublesome self from the
first surgery and here we had to go and do it all again.  Yesterday morning
when I dropped him off, I was so worried that I felt as if I might be
saying goodbye - not to a pet, but to a part of myself.  Just another
chance to realize how very much he is to me.
You all might remember this story as I wrote in a few weeks ago asking for
advice - what should I do?  Thanks to all who helped me with their input.
I now realize that, while it is more complicated, right adrenal tumors can
be fixed!!!  We shouldn't jump to medicinal treatment unless surgery is
absolutely out of the question!  I had just assumed that the surgery was
going to be so tricky that I'd be better off going with the meds...but due
to some good advice from my friends here and from a few knowledgeable vets
(Big thanks to Dr WIlliams), the problem has been fixed!   Dr Finkler in
Roanoke did the cryosurgery for us.  I'm told it was the biggest tumor he's
frozen yet!  They (Dr Finkler and my vet, Matt McCormick) had to freeze the
darn thing 4 times!  And of course, there are no guarantees that they got
it all.  But Jerry is happy to be home and resting today.  My greatest
thanks go out to all who helped my Jerry-bear!
So now Jerry's operating without adrenal glands!  Hopefully his body will
continue to produce the hormones he needs...either from islands of cells
which will act as adrenal glands or to a small portion of the tumor that's
still left - it's my understanding that either will do.  If he doesn't
start producing these hormones, there may be a once a month shot to keep
the necessary components in place...that's another story though.  We'll
check his electrolytes in a month to see where he stands and go from there.
The old incisions from his skin tumor removals (2) had seemed to be
bruising...I was worried....but apparantly that's what new hair looks like
before it pokes through the skin!  JERRY WILL NOT BE BALD FOREVER!!!!! :0)
Well, anyway, I know this has gotten kind of long but I'm just so happy to
have my baby home again!  And so is Stimy....he kept checking all the hidey
holes and sleeping places one by one looking for Jerry...over and over and
over.  He's also happy to have the fat boy home.
Love and happy dooks,
[Posted in FML issue 3223]