Dr. Williams Wrote:
>Vaginal bleeding in a spayed female is usually one of two things - a
>bacterial urinary tract infection, or a stump pyometra due to adrenal
Thank you Dr. Williams (and Mary Rogers who wrote me directly).  I talked
to my vet who felt that it was an infection and has me giving her amoxy
which I keep on hand.  I will be seeing him on Tuesday.  We don't think
it is adrenal disease because of no other signs.  I check ferret vulvas
regularly which is why I noticed the bleeding and hers is quite normal.
I don't think she is losing any fur but it is a little hard to tell since
everybody is shedding right at the moment.  Hopefully by the time I see
my vet on Tuesday he'll say everything looks fine.  I do hope it is not
adrenal disease since I have another fuzzy going in for adrenal surgery
as soon as I get some more weight on him.
[Posted in FML issue 3227]