Well folks, thank you for all the prayers and emails.  Sorry havent been
able to answer.  Thanks also to Dr. Williams for his advice.  We took the
herd to the vet for rabies shots (the vet calls them the herd).  While
there he checked Sara--apparently the tumor has grown--hair was hanging
from her skin where the scab had peeled.  He tried to snip it off to get
a better look at it.  He does not think it is a mast cell tumor.  He said
it looked very nasty.  While he was snipping the hair, it started bleeding
so he decided to keep her overnight.  He does not usually do surgeries on
Sat.  AM but since she was having such trouble he is going to do it.  He
said if they can get it all it will be great and if its already invaded
her insides we will work on what comes after that.  I am praying that
she does alright.  I felt so bad when the vet took her back to where they
keep the pre-surgical darlings.  Please everyone, pray that God guides Dr
Schildnecht's hands tomorrow morning and that Sara comes thru this ok.  I
am really upset.  It seemed like such a small growth earlier and now it is
bigger and I feel bad because I should have noticed it better.  I trust the
Dr and hope it turns out ok.  She was my first ferret child having come
from a home where she was thrown against the wall for biting (she still
bites, but no wonder, children that are abused have a tendency to strike
out at people).  Poor little girl.  I will keep you posted as to outcome.
I hope I dont need to mention that I dont want to hear any flames.  Too
much of that on this mailing list anyway.  If you dont have kind things to
say keep them to yourself.  Most of the people have been so kind anyway and
caring.  I love this board and appreciate all that I have learned.  It's
just the few jackasses that make life miserable.
Hugs and kisses to all the little ferrets of the world.
[Posted in FML issue 3226]