I was given permission to post the following:
Six month old, Marshall Farms, Female ferret for adoption in Washington
I met this person, who is a clerk at a Petco in my area and she must part
with her ferret due to tenancy/housing issues.  She told me the ferret is
"brown" so that could mean a sable or a chocolate.  Most likely, since she
works at Petco, it is a very spoiled ferret.
If you are interested in possibly adopting this little gal, email Kathy
Riggans at [log in to unmask] or call 360-275-3147.  I must warn that she is
interested in finding a very good home, and if nobody else steps forward,
I will find a way (shhhhh, don't tell my husband).  Officers of the
Washington Ferret Association need not come forward or contact this person,
as I have told her that you are already filled to capacity at your shelter,
(amongst other reasons).
I am full to capacity with ferrets right now, and hubby said "no way".
Also, I am headed to Florida for a long-needed vacation or the ferret
would already be here LOL!
Hopefully, someone will come forward and provide an excellent home.
Take care~
[Posted in FML issue 3226]