Ok, now I know we are all entitled to our own opinions, but the last time
I checked this list was for and about the ferrets.  NOT what one hooman
thinks about anther's politics, religion, sexual preference (which is a
private matter anyway!), or even ethical opinions.  So drop the rumors,
the accusations, and the petty back biting and get back the what this list
is about--THE FERRETS!!!!!  (Thank you Bill for letting me vent, if you
think it's inappropriate, feel free to edit to your hearts content.)
Now, on to the fuzzy stuff.  Rob posted a good question about his ferret
rubbing his neck on the floor.  Pea Pie, my little girl, didn't do this
until her new brothers showed up and started doing it.  Anyone feel free
to jump in and correct me, but I think it's more a territorial "marking"
type action.  Hopefully, Baby will be getting his splint off on Friday.
Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers during his convalescence.  He's
dying to get back into the kids room and romp and play tag with them.
Dooks and kisses!
Tammy & the Crew
Pea Pie, Thunder, Lightning, and Baby, the fercat.
"Ferret math is about as explainable to the non-ferret owner as physics
 is to a 3 year old."
[Posted in FML issue 3252]