Hello all,
well, since I've come out of lurk mode awhile back, I've already asked
everyone if they could help me find a home for one ferret.  Well here I
go again.
I haven't met this little jill personally, but her current owner says that
she is VERY sweet tempered.
the story goes as follows:
The owner bought this little ferret at an Auction in our area (around
Delhi, NY), for something like 10 dollars.  At this same auction, I was
told, they sold the father of this jill and the rest of her littermates.
Well, the owner didn't know much about ferrets, and it was too her suprise
that she found out that females can become anemic and die if they go into
heat.  She doesn't have the money to provide a spay for her ferret, or the
This little girl is 7 months old, and she needs a home.  The owner is very
interested in placing this jill in a good, safe, happy home.  Please help
her....you can email inquiries to the owner directly at:
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Thanks so much,
[Posted in FML issue 3252]