Hi all
Things are picking up again for da holidays.
A little girl named Shirley came in today.  She waz met by Laverne.  She
waz interested in all da gossip dat had been happening and all da news.
They talked for some time and but had to take a break to get a snack at da
Fruit Bar.  After they had finished all da gossip and such they went on a
tour of da place to see all da attractions and sites.  They ended up over
at da Otter Slide where they were doing a lot of sliding and splashing and
generally playing around.  They would run to da slide and slide hitting da
water with a splash only to jump out and run back to da slide.  She said to
tell her mommy and daddy dat she feels a lot better and to send lots of luv
and kisses.
Another little girl named Katie came in later.  I gave her da tour of da
place and showed her all da atrractions and sites.  She waz interested in
da Fruit Bar where she had a small snack.  Then she said she waz interested
in da Flying Lessons so I set her up with an instructor.  She waz soon
soaring away doing all da tricks and things.  She waz not to bad at it
either although not an expert.  Her landings leave a little to be desired
though as they are not real good and need lots of practice.  I think da
nose will heal though after they straighten it.  When she gets practice
at it she will be great but til then she needs to take up first aid.  She
said to tell her mommy dat she luved her bunches and to send kisses and
hugs her way.
I am off to da races to show these rookies how to drive.  Gotto go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3251]