To update on the protest.  It sounds like the 10 people that did show up
has really made the store owners nervous.  They threw several people that
did go into the store that got thrown out of the store.  What I heard was
that people not even with the protest were getting kicked out also.  The
security of the mall were making sure that the protest stayd peaceful and
within the boundaries that were laid.  They had to stay on the sidwalk
across the parking lot from the mall outside of the mall.  The store owners
came out and tried to start trouble and actually threatened Ferretguy and
said he would sue him.  Let the store try 1)they have to serve him in
Colorado, 2)Ferretguy and the others were where they were supposed to be.
One disappointment though was the turn out that we got.  The only ferret
shelter from Nevada that even made it was 24Carat, and CJ was sick at that.
It has been reported to me that the other shelter said it was to busy to
help rectify a growing problem in the Nevada area.  Now I don't know(and
I'll probably get flamed big time for this), but it seems to me that
something is wrong with this picture.  Ferretguy and Quazy4, with all the
problems that they had getting there and Ferretguy on Oxygen, then there
is CJ, who came out sick for this cause.  It seems to me that the other
shelter could of sent some kind of support.  (Don't flame me to bad).
Will try to update more as I get the reports.  Hopefully somebody that was
actually there can give a more extensive report
[Posted in FML issue 3251]