Hello all, this is my first post & am hoping someone out there can help.
When is shedding season for Ferrets???  I have a year old male that has
started shedding.  I haven't noticed this before so it kind of threw me
for a loop last night when there was fuzz fur on me.  He is Very active,
eats & drinks well, does his litter box duties.  I have to take him to the
vet for his yearly shots & am also wondering what to expect there??  I have
heard some bad stories about the reactions to those also.  I don't want
anything to happen to my little Marty cause ever since I first saw him in
the pet store I was in love with the cute wriggly little ball of fluff.
My son says that I am possessed.  Maybe I am but I just love him like no
other.  I am just so afraid of something happening to him & with the
shedding thing it scared me.  Here it is the last of November & he is
shedding.  We live in Iowa for goodness sake, it's cold here & he is
shedding???  Someone out there please let me know if this is normal.  He
also only weighs about 1 1/2 pounds, but has a good appetite.  Is that
normal also??  I really hope so.
E-mail me at [log in to unmask]
Thanks in advance!!
Marty's Mom
[Posted in FML issue 3249]