Hi everyone!
I hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving!  I have no clue what's going
on in the FML, except for Meeteese leaving for the Bridge after her long
struggle.  I caught it when I went to Kat's page for a visit.  I am so
sorry, Suki.  You guys went the whole nine yards together.  My little
Fang is still hanging in there.  It will be a year in Feb. since his
pancreatectomy.  A recent BG test came in at a low 45, so he is back on
I am hoping he can stay with the 1/2 ml.  once a day, since his last
reading was a 74.  His liver reading was too high last week, so a
nodulectomy is not a possibility right now.  I have him back on the
non-alcoholic Milk Thistle drops that Troy Lynn suggested.  I am also
still giving the Devil's Club, even though, by itself, it did not prevent
the need for pediapred.  He still will only eat Bob's Gravy .  (spoiled
snot to the max).
I am now only 49 issues behind. <sigh>  The older I get, the faster the
time goes.  I wanted to publically thank Kat for the incredible job she did
making a page for my poem, "Blessings".  Fuzzy Dad, Ron Carter added his
two cents with his music selection of "If Tomorrow Never Comes".  What a
tearjerker the page is, but please go to Kat's sight and check it out; she
did an AWESOME job!  She did it in time for Thanksgiving, as all our babies
on the FML are blessings in our lives.
I am making an effort to submit some poems I've had lying around waiting to
get finished, before Bryan's deadline.  I hope to catch up with the things
you have been sharing; I've missed your posts.  For now...an offering of a
little light poem:
"Gimme Kiss"
Gimme kiss,
but hurry up!
lemme see
what's in the cup!
Coffee!  Yuck!
I wanted pop!
lemme down,
don't make me stop!
Wait! I have to
stop and itch!
off I go,
direction which?
I'm up, I'm down,
I'm on the run;
gotta play, and
have some fun!
I'm a fuzzy,
don'tcha know!
so gimme kiss,
and lemme go!
  by Liz Blackburn
[Posted in FML issue 3248]