In reply to driving thru the no-no state as clipped below:
>Friends will be driving from Washington State to Mexico later this year
>and would like to hear of the experience of others, especially such
>things as hassle free routes to take upon entering California.
My concern would be if your friends are going to attempt to cross into
Mexico and back?  I believe ferrets are legal in Mexico, however a friend
of mine did find a law somewhere in Tijuana that seemed to make them
illegal, but I don't have hard proof on that one.
Coming back across would be a serious issue, especially if coming back
thru California.  The authorities in this area (San Diego) are well aware
of Ferrets Anonymous and that ferrets are illegal, and I wouldn't want to
see anyone endanger their ferret by trying to cross back into California.
I would highly suggest if this is a short trip, that they find a ferret
sitter out of state and not risk possible confiscation while in CA.
Chris K.
Ferrets Anonymous San Diego East County Coordinator
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[Posted in FML issue 3248]