I agree wholeheartedly with Dr. Williams on the topic of using baby food to
deliver pred.  I have used this method for years to administer any number
of different medications, primarily prednisone.  It's possible you may run
across a drug that should not be given mixed with food, so always check
with your vet first.
The key is to get your ferrets acquainted with baby food before the time
comes that you need them to eat it.  I've read a number of comments from
people saying their ferret won't touch any sort of meat baby food, and
I suppose it's possible, but it's also possible they're just not trying
hard or long enough.  I've seen dozens upon dozens of sick ferrets in our
shelter that ate it, everyone one of my own over the years has learned to
love it, and I have not personally known one that didn't eventually acquire
a taste for it.
Start now while your ferret is healthy.  A little bit now and then as a
treat will get them accustomed to it.  Warming it slightly can make a big
difference.  If you just set a bit of cold baby food down in front of a
ferret that has never had any, I can almost guarantee they'll turn up their
nose and walk away.  Get a little dab of warm baby food on your finger and
offer it.  If your ferret won't take it, scruff 'em and wipe a small bit
into his or her mouth.  It should only take a few times of this before they
discover that, "hey, this ain't so bad after all!"
You'll be ever so thankful when the day comes that you must medicate or
supplement the diet when they become ill and they already think of baby
food as a treat.  There's probably nothing worse than trying to force a
sick ferret to eat something with which they're not familiar when they
don't want to eat anything at all to begin with.
To me, Gerber's 2nd stage chicken baby food is a miracle drug for ferrets.
It should be in everyone's ferret first aid kit.
For the ferrets,
* Michael F. Janke, [log in to unmask]
* South Florida Ferret Help Line, 305-752-7040
* Website:  http://www.miamiferret.org
* Adrenal/Insulinoma web site: http://www.miamiferret.org/fhc
[Posted in FML issue 3246]