>We would like to know if anyone has had experience, good or bad, with
>Aussies and ferrets.
Aileen -
I have an Aussie/Heeler mix dog that we adopted this year from animal
control.  These dogs have some prey drive, but they have a very strong pack
drive as well.  They were bred to be herders, and can be very protective
of their flocks and families.  When we introduced Maille to the ferrets,
I supervised very carefully and let her know the ferrets were part of the
"pack."  Basically, I held her while they crawled and sniffed all over her,
and praised her when she was calm and quiet.
After several intro's, I allowed her to interact without me holding her,
and she did just fine.  She dances with Tammas <g> and doesn't mind when
Perian plays "catch the tail." She'll freeze, and wait for me to detach one
if they grab and hold on to a sensitive spot.  She's also protective of
them, and whines whenever she hears a squabble coming from the ferret room.
She's never tried to bite them, but has been known to gently "mouth" and
pick one up - usually resulting in a very soggy, indignant ferret.  Heh.
Needless to say, I still supervise - she's never allowed in the ferret room
unless I'm with her, just because she is so big (53 lbs) and she could hurt
one accidentally.
Maille's favorite thing, though, is when I let her in the ferret room and
tell her to "vacuum."  She clears up the food that had gotten spilled or
thrown out of the cages since the last time I swept.  (Note - she doesn't
get to do this every day, since it would make her a very fat dog in no
time at all!)
I also have a friend who had a blue heeler and ferrets... it was funny
watching the dog try to herd the ferrets without getting her own toes
nipped by the "herdees!"
If you're adopting a puppy, that's even better since the dog will grow
up accepting the ferrets as part of the pack.  I was extra careful with
Maille, since she was already 3 years old when we got her, and we had no
idea what her experience with other animals had been in her past.
Carla Smith  <><
WhyNot? Ferrets
ICQ:  29478475
member, Rio Grande Domestic Ferret Club, El Paso, TX
"Every pet deserves to be loved, and to have someone cry over them when
 they're gone."
[Posted in FML issue 3245]