Good Morning to everyone and Happy Thanksgiving soon to be.
I was reading the Tampa Tribune and as I got to a page (front page) of the
arts section there was a picture on a lady holding a ferret.  As I read
along to check it out this was a black and white drawing named "Young Woman
With a Ferret (Diana) and would be a display at the Studio Gallery.  I was
I know it has been awhile since I have written about our travels in the
motorhome and all the ferrets.  Being down to seven and losing the three
this summer it has been hard to think of good things to write except I
think now I am getting over the loss and enjoying the good thoughts of when
our lost three were with us and knowing they are better off at Rainbow
Freddie is getting fatter and sometimes play a little ruff with only Nala.
Wonder if he is needing more time outside walking or hopefully not got
Adrenal.  Seems like he should be picking on more than just Nala if it is
Adrenal.  There are five of them out together and Nala is the only one he
picks on.  Now, Sweet picks on Freddie but she is the youngster and like
playing ruff.  She is the silvermitt that someone just turned loose.  She
is adorable.  Snowball still picks on ME!!!  He sneaks up on me and grabs
my leg or my hand or gets under my shirt and grabs there.
Missitoo and Burglar love the close quarters.  I think they all like living
in the smaller area as they get more interaction with us.
Have met some ladies from VT that had never held ferrets and love all these
guys to death.  They took pictures and were sending some to a man in Vt
that ferrets were still wild creatures.  They work with the animal shelter
there so are big animal lovers.  They now know all about the domestic
Well, guess this has all gone on long enough.
Love and Fuzzie Kisses to All
Penny, Freddie
Snowball, Nala
Sweetie, Flower
Burglar & Missitoo
[Posted in FML issue 3244]