I am happy to report that the descenting went very well (Cleo did not even
attack the vet!)  Both are extremely uncomfortable and Cleo was not able
to poop last night so I did not get any sleep as a result.  This morning,
there was a full litter box, so I was happy.  Imagine me, with a flashlight
(so I don't wake them up), looking in the box at 6am.  I thought to myself,
would I do this for anyone else?  No way!  These furkids are so special
to me.  What we all do for these animals.  This is the only time I will
actually encourage my ferrets to poop on the floor when they are out of the
cage!  I was actually telling her "go ahead, do it for mommy, poop Cleo,
poop".  Dopey had quite an attitude last night and took over the hanging
cube.  When Marley tried to enter, Dopey threw a temper tantrum and started
digging at the fleece (he has never done this before), then when I closed
off the section where I put Cleo, he did it again!  I swear that this was a
temper tantrum.  These animals amaze me.
Now, I must tell you about Spanky the lush.  Never before have I seen a
ferret go after beer or wine.  Spanky literally climbed my arm to get to my
glass of Shiraz, and he took a lick and came back for more!  Of course I
did not let him have any, but he sure wanted some.  So if you see him on
the cover of Wine Spectator magazine, don't be surprised.  I wonder if it
is only Australian wines that he likes?  I should write to the people at
Rosemont and let them know that my ferret thinks their wines are
exceptional.  Bet they would be sooooo pleased.
I was happy to see that Randy is forming a group to go to Vegas to protest
that wretched pet store.  I wish I could join you in your endeavors.
Hopefully, you will be able to make some noise.  If you need a press
release written, I am happy to do it.  Email me.
Well, I promised the hubby I would let him on the 'puter, so off I go.
Happiness is a mild-smelling ferret!
[Posted in FML issue 3244]