Dr. Williams,
Thank you so much for taking the time to post such a thorough explanation
of EE.  Now I have a much better idea of what I'm dealing with.
Buckwheat was diagnosed before he had any outward symptoms.  He was
undergoing adrenal surgery when his vet noticed the congestion in his
intestines and took a tissue sample for biopsy.  So, with any luck, maybe
the prednisone will get the EE under control before it can do serious
Bucky does not have abnormal stools, other than occasional softness, which
could be due to too many raisins!  I feed all my guys Totally Ferret
exclusively, with raisins and cranberries as treats.  At my vet's
recommendation, I've started mixing Prozyme with their food.  Would you
suggest a different diet?
Again, thank you so much for sharing your expertise with this list!
Nancy and critters
[Posted in FML issue 3243]