Tricia - I don't have a magic potion for your scared little dog - all I
know is that 3 things in conjunction often help things although you might
never get to the point where your dog is really comfortable.
Try using treats, along with slow, building conditioning to the ferrets
presence over a long period of time.  For example, get some really good
treats that the dog never normally gets but really likes, like hot dog
bits, real chicken etc., put her in your lap sitting up on a chair or
something to make it harder for the ferrets to get close, and have someone
let the ferrets out.  Your dog probably has some imaginary line where the
ferrets are fine out that far away and not fine over that line.  Watch her
to see where she gets uncomfortable - every time the ferrets cross that
line - go into soothing, its ok, good dog, here's a treat mode.  It helps
if a second person then immediately moves the ferrets away across to the
orginal comfort zone.  Only do this a couple of times in one session and
end the session - try to avoid doing it to the point where the dog has had
enough and starts to avoid the food completely and just concentrates/freaks
out about the ferrets.  Do these very short sessions 2 or 3 times a day.
When your dog starts to look forward to these because its getting used to
the extra attention and treats and is paying less attention to the ferrets
- be a little slower about moving the ferrets back, watch to see if your
dogs imaginary line moves closer - then work there for awhile.  You do not
want to rush things - it takes 3 times as long to undo and make up the same
ground.  Try also to make sure that your timing is tight - that your not
giving the treats when the dogs behavior is not what you want, i.e. looking
at the ferrets - you want to reward the dog ignoring the ferrets.  I
personally think this can be the hardest part of training because the dog
thinks then does so you have to treat while your dog is thinking which is
hard.  You might also try taking your dog to a good (positive reward) type
dog obediance school/class.  Find a good instructor and ask them for ideas
on how to build your dogs confidence around other animals.  I'll bet being
around all the other dogs in class and having to pay attention to and trust
you there will help at home.
"For that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts;
even one thing befalleth them: as the one dieth, so dieth the other;
yea they have all one breath;
so that a man hath no preeminence above a beast:
for all is vanity. "
Ecclesiastes 3:19
[Posted in FML issue 3241]