My heartfelt condolences to all who've had their babies cross the Bridge
lately.  I started a new job at work and have just been swamped.  Bill-
my hat is always off to you moderating this post.  I hope you keep the
Excedrin Migraine medicine handy.
For those that find fault with Sandee's posts, and don't like Rev. Sims'
posts, well, please, just skip them.  Picking them apart time and time
again does no good.  I realize this list is made of such a diverse group
of people that we don't all believe or not believe in the same thing.  For
the anonymous poster who took great offense at Rev. Sims-when you see his
name, just skip over the post.  We're all on this list to help the ferrets,
not to harp about religious issues, how offended a person is over one
persons belief or non-belief.  I work at a university and know many diverse
people at work and in my private life.  I'm a practicing Roman Catholic
yet I know pagans, Wiccans, Muslims, atheists, whoever.  Yet I try not
to get upset listening to them and unload on them.  I had a student, a
Muslim, spend two hours talking to me of his religion.  To him I was a
non-believer, but neither of us minded.  And when he was done he told me
I was closer to being saved for having listened to him!  Let's all get over
the issues of whether or not you like Sandee and who offends who with their
beliefs.  Let's get onto the correct track of what we can do for the
ferrets who run our lives.
I forget who posed the question-I believe it was Lisette-what happens to
the unwanted and forsaken babies.  If we all sat and thought about that
we'd be totally unhinged.  All we can all do is try to love ours and save
those that come in our paths.  I stop and think of the ferrets, puppies,
kittens, you name it.  One day my daughter and I were walking by the pond
near us and we saw something black and white moving.  All I could think of
was "a ferret" and it came near us.  It was a domesticated rat someone had
dumped.  Sara screeched and backed away and it knew a place to hide.  I
called the humane society and hopefully the animal warden came out to get
it.  A rat-and I don't like rodents, but it bothered me terribly to think
of that poor creature tossed onto a pond and walking on the reeds, water,
whatever, and hiding in a hole after having been warm and someone's pet.
And now for something 'not heavy'.  Yesterday was my birthday, and my
husband gave me what I asked for - a new 4 level cage for part of the Crew!
Actually I got it two weeks ago.  The three of us spent an evening putting
it together, and then we put the 8 into it.  If looks could have killed
we'd all been dead.  The glares, the snarls, the refusal to climb up and
down.  Day 2 was sooo much better, and now they love it.  The other 6 of
the Crew are now in the other 4 story cage that's built differently than
the new one.  Oh, yeah, I did mention 14 fuzzies, didn't I?  See, not only
did I get the cage, but there was a little guy in the pet store that had
been there close to 3 1/2 months.  Groups of fuzzies had come and gone yet
this one stayed.  He was almost a black sable.  I talked to the girl there
and she loved him, tried to get her to take him but her ferret was ill.
While talking to her we had adults and teens gather around, ask questions,
pet him.  In the meantime he's giving kisses, climbing over my shoulders,
hair, arms.  So he also came home with me.  We've named him "Muggles" and
he's grown so much!  His tail just wags as he goes through the tubes, and
Jill and Joy are enamored of him.  He's so full of it he's tackled poor
Socks.  And that's fun to watch.  Socks lets him bounce all over him till
he's fed up with it, he flips Muggles and pins him, looks at him, walks
away.  Of course Muggles thinks this is a new game, too.
Socks is holding his own-he had his first Lupron shot on the 8th, 2nd one
will be on 12/8, then another ultrasound.  Keep the 'grand old man' in
your good thoughts and prayers, please.
Rebecca & the Crew of Merry Mayhem
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy, and taste
 good with ketchup"
[Posted in FML issue 3240]