I think in all my postings on Fervac-D I have left out one very critical
point, I never vaccinate a scared or excited ferret.  I might play with
them, give a treat or two and when they are calm, give the injection.
I'm still 900+ reactions zero.
On the note about the meadows pet store, I tried to talk to someone there
yesterday by phone.  They hung up on me.  I was going down to Louisiana to
take some ferrets to Denise, but I don't know if she is ready for me to
show up yet.  I am going to have some 2 by 6 banners made and drive to Las
Vegas next week and stand outside with the banners saying "This store is
cruel to animals".  As Americans, we have the right to protest peacefully.
If she assaults me outside the store, I guarantee she will be locked up.
I will be holding my banner in one hand and my cane in the other with my
oxy bottle strapped to my back.  The volunteers and I will be wearing our
notorious bright yellow shirts and will be noticed.  Those of you who know
us will recall the shirts we wear.
CJ..  if you're reading this, will you please post the address to the store
on the fml and the address to the local animal control.  Also would like to
see the name of that DA lady who helped out with Mike Tyson case and her
address also.  Folks out there who are outraged that this stuff goes on...
well it goes on everywhere and the power of the pen is mightier than the
sword.  Get your pens out and swamp this area with concerns about this
operation and maybe we can stop it from continuing.
Hugs to all, Ferretguy
[Posted in FML issue 3239]