J: Hey, did you hear how that lady Julie's fuzzies love her!  Do you think
   Mommy knows how much we love her?
M: Of course she does.  She's not as smart as us, but she catches on.
B: I'm going to show her just in case.  I think I'll let her hold me for
   .3 seconds longer than usual.  That should do it.
M: I give her kisses, so she knows I love her.
J: Well Mikette, you might confuse her when you nip her nose.
M: Naw, that's just a love nip.  She likes it.
J: I think I'll leave an extra present for her in the corner.
B: Jill that's silly.  Even I know she doesn't like poop.
J: Yes she does!  Ever notice how quickly she takes and hides it.
   That must be some hidey hole she keeps it in!
M: I heard Grandma is coming today.  We can whisper it in her ear.  She'll
   help us tell Mommy. Maybe we can get her a present for Christmas.
   I know she wants "Ferrets for Dummies".
B: Christmas?! I better go make a list of my own.
J: We can't get her that book, that's mean calling Mommy a dummy!
M: Geez Jill, don't you keep up with the FML posts? Kim explained,
   that's just a silly title.
J: Well OK.  Where did Baby go?  I want to make sure she writes Cheerios
   on the Christmas list.
I overheard this conversation from my three loving ferrets, Mikette, Baby,
and Jill.  (-:
[Posted in FML issue 3239]