Rev.Ron Sims said:
>As an ordained minister, I have seen those who do not believe in an
>after-life, and their loss is greater for they have no hope.  But for
>those who believe in God, The Creator, and that HE Lives and is LOVE,
>have a deep grief, but they have the hope of life eternal with their
>loved ones.  I am sorry for the sermon, but I hope and pray that one day
>your heart will be turned so that you too will know the joy of knowing
>that after this life, life eternal begins.
Ok, here we go....... I (and certainly other atheists, agnostics, etc.  )
have put up for a long time with numerous and repeated "in your face"
religious references on this list (by a few people) but this post crosses
the line.  Rev Sims: I am grossly offended not only that you trivialize
JD's beliefs but then you "hope and pray" he/she would change them!!
Let's does this sound to you:
As an aware, urban, college-educated woman I have witnessed and pitied
"Christians" who's lack of psychological fortitude leads them to believe in
fairy tales like the "afterlife" and remain in a childish state their whole
lives.  But I do hope that one day you will open your mind and be strong
enough to face reality without myth and superstition and see how liberating
and empowering it can be.
Rev. Sims, that is the equivalent of what you said to JD...Offensive,
isn't it?  Intolerant?  You bet.  Innapropriate for this forum?  Uh huh.
Well, that's what you "sermon" sounded like to me.  Get the idea?  Its one
thing to state your beliefs but its another entirely to belittle or think
you have a right to change someone else's on this list.  Please... can
"we" tone it down a little?
A Militant Atheist Who Has to Post Anonymously (Only) Because She Lives in
[Moderator's note: I can confirm the poster always posts anonymously due
to her location, in case that makes a difference.
As to my opinion: I agree this list is about ferrets, not about religious
beliefs.  Posts purely about religion wouldn't get posted (and this one,
coming close to that, almost didn't make it).  In fact, a couple of times
I did return posts that seemed to have no purpose other than to espouse
the authors' religious beliefs.
On the other hand, people stating their beliefs as part of an otherwise
ferret-related post is part of what makes us all individuals.  I am not
likely to try to change that.  I do appreciate the feedback though -- now
and then a post comes very close and your collective comments help me to
scrutinize certain subjects more carefully.  I didn't go back and reread
the post in question but I will do so after I get this issue out.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3239]