Hi all
I am in big trouble.  Da Big Boss is not happy with me but it waz still
A little girl named Slinky came in today.  I gave her da tour of da place
and showed her where all da attractions were.  She waz really interested in
Da Fruit Bar as is everyone normally.  She then said she wanted da Flying
Lessons.  I set her up with an instructor and she waz soon soaring away
like a pro at it.  Her aerobatics were really pretty good but her landings
are not real good.  They all seem to have problems with those but I think
we can fix her nose.  It needs just a little attention is all.  She said
to send her luv to her daddy and also lots of kisses.
A little guy named Ben came in later.  He waz met by Billy.  They were very
glad to see each other and there waz a lot to catch up on.  He wanted to
know all da news and gossip.  After dat they went exploring so Ben would
know where all da attractions were.  They got back just in time to get
dressed up for da big raid.  It was a great time we had there although I
really can't talk about it as da Boss is mad enough and you would have to
come here cause you knew to much.  After da raid they thought it might be a
good time for a nap and I don't blame them.  They headed for Hammock Haven
and were soon curled up together.  They said to send their luv to their
mommy along with lots of hugs and kisses.
A little guy named Speedbump came in later.  He was met by Digger and
Krista.  They were happy to see each other and there waz a lot of hugging
all around.  Then da serious stuff began which waz da news and gossip at
home.  They talked for some time.  When dat waz finished they headed off to
see da place and show where all da attractions and sites were.  After dat
they headed for da Fruit Bar as exploring is hungry work.  They then were
just in time for da Ferretone Flood so they had to go over there and lap up
some of dat.  They even did a little surfing but Speed slipped up a little
and now everyone luvs him and wants to give him a lick.  He might have to
visit da Otter Slide to get it all off.  He said to tell hiz mommy dat he
luvs her a lot and to send lots of fettetone hugs and cuddles.
I think I will go make myself scarce for a while and maybe da Boss will
froget.  Gotto go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3224]