Greetings Again!
I pondered this long and hard, but since I want to get these kids into good
homes here it goes.
On October 21,2000, from 1 PM to 7 PM (Earlier is ok) we will be having an
open house for members of the FML.
Here is the deal, you come visit the fur angels, and if you adopt a fur
angle or two, you sign the adoption contract, and if you so choose, make
a donation.  Normal adoptions fees will be waived for FML members.
I know some people will get miffed at this, but if lieu of running an ad in
the paper, I have a better chance of finding good homes with FML'ers than
people answering an ad off the street.
So, come on down!!!  Squeeze a weasel or two, have some coffee, pop, a
doughnut, talk ferret talk.  Maybe even open you heart to a lost soul.
4116 Bucyrus Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio   44109
Ferrets Unlimited Ferret Shelter
PS  Clean up help before the open house would be GREATLY appreciated.
The office is a mess!!!!!
[Posted in FML issue 3195]