I'm doing my best to let people know just how wonderful ferrets are.
Yesterday while I was cleaning out my boys new home outside, my neighbour
popped into the garden to ask me something and asked what I was doing.
When I told her I was seeing to my ferrets she went "Urrgh, how could you
have ferrets?" At the sound of a new voice my boys popped up to say hello
and she said "Oh wow, they're beautiful and so cute.  Can I hold one?"
Woozle then licked and licked her and gave her one of his bestest 'aren't
I lovely' yawns!  She then asked if she can come and see them again!
Aren't ferrets wonderful ambassadors for themselves - in less than 2
minutes they'd completely changed my neighbours mind about them!  Go
[Posted in FML issue 3207]