I looked into the FML archives on the issue of BHT in Ferretone.  This
was just brought up to me and I didn't really know about the chemical BHT
nor did I know the studies showing it's cancer causing effects.
Here's what I found...
In the archives, one person pointed out that the massive doses of BHT fed
to lab rats was an over exaggeration and the small doses we get and the
small doses that the ferrets get don't hurt.
8 - in - 1 posted and said that the BHT staves off a potentially higher
risk of cancer, brain lesions, etc.  that comes from the peroxide that
oxidizes in the Ferretone WITHOUT the additive of BHT.
A few people posted saying that regardless of the small risk, they won't
use Ferretone anymore because there is a risk.
Here's my question...
Does Bob Church or Dr. Williams or any of the lurker vets have anything to
say to this.  I'm just curious if I should immediately toss the Ferretone
and what is a good viable substitute?
Thanks for any info - April and the zoo crew
[Posted in FML issue 3204]